Composer. Pianist. Writer.

"In view of Afamia Al-Dayaa's previous work, it can already be said that 'darkness, unveiled' will be a festival highlight." – Nina Schedlmayer in ART & SCIENCE KREMS about Afamia Al-Dayaa as composer

"An impressive work that is finely crafted in terms of motifs and convinces with its choice of linguistic means." – Monika Vasik in DIE PRESSE about Afamia Al-Dayaa as writer

"[...] bitter and sweet at the same time, embedded in the orchestral sound and sparkling out of it. Incredibly delicate and fine the melody line in the Adagio, up there, touchingly fragile, a moonbeam." – Achim Stricker in SÜDWEST PRESSE about Afamia Al-Dayaa as pianist

