21-09-2024. International Symposium. The Village Trip Festival.

For the second time I had the honor to be part of a Symposium of the International Ekmelic Music Society. For my first master thesis in composition, I stumbled upon the Ekmelic Music Society during research, and somehow I became part of it, which is still mind-blowing. The Microtonal Village, organized by Águstin Castilla-Ávilla,  was part of The Village Trip Festival in New York City. It was an amazing experience, a week full of lectures and concerts in one of the most interesting cities. For the Symposium I did some research about ancient tuning systems and the application of the Kirnberger#2 temperament in Lou Harrison's Piano Concerto.

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05-03-2024. Gesprächskonzert in der Nationalbibliothek, Palais Mollard, Musiksalon.

At the  concert in the music salon of the Austrian National Library in cooperation with the IMAGO DEI Krems festival and the Loisiarte, the piano trio "Do Snowflakes Get Colder When They Touch Each Other?" was again performed by Platypus as well as the piano composition "SIEBEN, SINNEN" and an excerpt from "Darkness, unveiled" - the violin  cadenza - Benedikt Lodes also moderated the evening and I was allowed to talk about myself and  the pieces.

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23-02-2024. Do Snowflakes Get Colder – Alte Schmiede, Wien, Platypus Ensemble.

The first concert in 2024 was with Platypus Ensemble and the premiere of my Piano Trio “Do Snowflakes Get Colder, When They Touch Each Other” as well as another performance of my piano composition “SIEBEN, SINNEN”, interpreted by Jaime Wolfson. I was very grateful for this opportunity. Writing a Piano Trio was a big challenge. Personally, I find it easier to write for less “classical” constellations, but I accept any challenge :). The title for the Piano Trio came to me on the way home in January 2024. Until then I was pretty lost and had no idea how to structure the piece. Then it started snowing and I could "see" the piece. The title is also  a variation of the quote "Do shadows become darker when they touch each other?" from the film "Perfect Days" by Wim Wenders. I saw that movie on New Year's Eve. The piano composition "SIEBEN, SINNEN" is an older work from 2021. It is very structured,  e.g., the left hand is the rhythmic crab of the right hand, etc. pp. I don't know what more to say about it. It is very calm and quiet.

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02-07-2023. Small is Beautiful.

This was a lecture I gave as part of the international ekmelic music society's symposium "Small is Beautiufl" at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg. It was about Arabic maqam music as inspiration e.g. in Cerha's string quartet No. 1 "Maqam" and generally about quarter-tone systems, e.g. that of Alois Hába.

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12-12-2022. Big Band Event. Austrian Jazz Composers Orchestra alias Nouvelle Cuisine. Porgy & Bess.

The musical year 2022 ended brilliantly with the Big Band Event by the media composers of the University of Music and Performing Arts in Porgy & Bess, organized by Christian Mühlbacher, interpreted by the Austrian Jazz Composer's Orchestra aka Nouvelle Cuisine. It was my first composition for Big Band and it was a lot of fun to conduct the piece "12 Blind Monkeys Eating A Poem" with such a great Big Band.

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09-05-2022. Begegnung Neue Musik.

The premiere of my work for large ensemble "Listen, my dearest, hear the sweet night march" took place in May 2022 as part of the concert "Begegnung Neue Musik" at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. The concert was directed by Jaime Wolfson.

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